Monthly Archives: April 2015

Living in London can be glorious if you have the money, most of the best events in the UK are happening on your doorstep, and you’re spoilt for choice when it comes to food. Restaurants, pop up stalls, street food and markets all add to the diverse menu London has to offer. Of course some… Read Article →

Most restaurants in London will offer vegetarian dishes alongside their meat dishes, but finding restaurants that are suitable for dietary vegans who do not consume any sort of product derived from animals are harder to find. However they do exist and we have collated three of the best vegetarian and vegan restaurants for you below:… Read Article →

Following a recent survey in London on the subject of why they live in the capital and if they enjoy it the majority response was due to work reasons/commitments and yes they enjoy it. The main enjoyment factor for most was the fact that

Going out to eat and drink in London in some of the best restaurants and dining establishments in the world is one of the highlights of living in the capital of the United Kingdom. Many people say that the food and drink scene in London is one of the best in the world, even better… Read Article →

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